Monday, April 21, 2008

Day 42 - Six Weeks Old

April 21, 2008
Today was my 6-week check-up with my doctor. My stats: 9 lbs 12 oz (50th percentile), 22.25" long (75th percentile) I didn't mind most of it (OK, I cried when the nurse weighed and measured me, but that's just because I didn't know her). Except at the end, when they brought out something called a shot. That I did not like one bit!!! And it made me grumpy and fussy all evening.

Mommy and Daddy have recently got a book called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and it says that I will like being swaddled and being in my swing. The book was right! I quieted down when they wrapped me in a blanket, and then I slept for 5 hours at a stretch in my swing. Thank goodness mommy and daddy are so smart, or it would have been one sleepless night with the way I was feeling!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great! I'm so glad you found something to make her (and the two of you) happy for such a long stretch. You must have felt like you got a mini-vacation!