Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 46

April 25, 2008

Today was one of the first days that it was just me and Mommy. Since I sleep best when I'm being held by someone, Mommy put me in my sling so that she could do some other stuff than just hold me. (I think just holding me should be enough, but I guess everyone is different!) Today she tried doing something called spinning... I didn't get it, but she seemed to have fun!
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Anonymous said...

Holy crap! You tried to SPIN?! Damn girl! Did it work? I haven't spun in forever - I'm still trying to knit.

Which sling are you using?

Anonymous said...

Too cute! She looks very content. And the metro picture... did you just hand the camera to someone to take the picture or did Dan ride home with you?

Alice said...

Ok,if I post will you post some new pictures???
Love you MOM

JayD said...

Hi there!! I am having picture withdrawal :-)