Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 54

May 3, 2008

Today we went to something called the "Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival" and I met a sheep for the first time. I thought they were kind of smelly (like my poopy diapers!). I also saw sheepdogs (when I wasn't throwing a fit next to the sheepdog arena - take that, people trying to watch the doggies!), and bunnies, and lots and lots of yarn and fiber. I met lots of Mommy's friends, too. I had a fun time, but boy was I tired out. I did like riding in my mei tai, though (a shower gift from Mommy's friend Paula) - snuggled up next to Mommy made it easy for me to sleep.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know why but this picture really made it real (possibly 'cause it's someplace I've seen just you)... You have a baby! Only took me 54 days, hunh? :)