Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 76

May 25, 2008

Today was something called the Indianapolis 500, a big car race. I got to wear special socks, and then I watched the television! I found it today, and I think I like it - I'm pretty interested in trying to watch it, even when Mommy tries to turn me so I can't see it. Those cars zooming around were pretty cool!
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Anonymous said...

Isn't the TV awesome? My Mom won't let me watch it either - but I am pretty good at craning my neck and turning around.

Anonymous said...

I know! But I think my Mommy is going to give in and get me a Baby Einstein or Veggie Tales DVD - I really liked the VT one that my 2-year-old friend had. I think I'll only get to watch it a few times a week, though (bummer).